Losing weight is challenging and many people find it difficult, if not impossible to burn off the excess fat. However, there are many diets that are quite effective and one of them is the flat belly diet. It is important to note that in order to lose weight, whatever diet is followed, must be followed consistently for at least a few weeks or months. Real results will only occur when close attention is paid to the type of food that is eaten, quantity of food and overall activity. With that said, we will now take a closer look at the flat belly program.
This diet is based on the premise that it takes fat in order to burn fat. So, in order to lose weight, natural mono-saturated fats from plants need to be eaten on a daily basis. This includes fat from foods such as nuts, avocados, olive oil etc. Once this diet is followed, it will help just about anyone to lose as many as 15 lbs in 32 days. In order to follow this diet, a total of 1,600 calories need to be eaten every day where there are four meals per day at 400 calories each. It is important that food must be eaten every four hours and each meal must have a source of healthy fat.
When starting this diet, the first four days will target bloating and only 1,200 calories per day must be consumed. During these days, no salt can be added to food and it is essential that processed food, carbs and gassy foods are avoided. This includes foods like broccoli, beans, pasta, onions etc. In addition to this, 2 liters of “sassy water” need to be drunk, every day. This “sassy water” consists of water mixed with lemon, mint leaves, ginger root and cucumber. Once the four days are up, a Mediterranean diet needs to be followed for the next 28 days at 1,600 calories of food per day.
The best thing about this diet is that it doesn't require a huge effort in order to start and stick to it. Only the first four days are restrictive, whereas the remaining 28 days are relatively easy to maintain since the diet allows a good amount of food to be eaten, so there won't be any problems with hunger or starvation. Also, it won't be very costly since the only additional cost is adding high fat foods to one's diet such as avocados, nuts etc.
This is an excellent diet for people who suffer from health problems such as diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure etc, especially since it focuses on low sodium. It is not necessary to exercise while following this diet, however, exercising will speed up the weight loss process.
When it comes to choosing a diet for fast weight loss, the flat belly diet is definitely worth a try. However, it is crucial that calories are counted while on this diet, so be sure to invest in a food scale and calorie tracker for accurate tracking.
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