A few years ago a doctor specializing in Functional Medicine introduced me to the idea of fixing my digestion to improve how I feel (and potentially lose a few lbs). I’d never heard of this concept and since my stomach has always been fairly flat, I never considered that being bloated after running could be […]
6 Best Hip Mobility Exercises and Why They Matter
If you’re having trouble making gains due to tight hips, it might be because your hip mobility is poor. This guide provides recommendations for exercises to improve hip mobility, including strengthening, stabilizing, and mobilizing exercises. The hip joint is often forgotten, ignored, and neglected compared to the low back and knee. It is important for […]
7 Running After Stress Fracture Guidelines
What is a Stress Fracture? Tiny cracks in bones are called stress fractures, and they’re caused by doing things like jumping up and down or running a lot, which puts a lot of force on bones. When stress reaction occurs, the bone is breaking down and becoming weak. However, the bone has not yet broken. […]
A Well-Rounded Fitness Plan for MMA and BJJ Athletes
MMA has grown a lot across the world in recent years. There are now many organizations, such as the UFC, Bellator and ONE FC, that hold events often. This has made the athletes competing more skilled and able to train harder. As a result, having a good strength and conditioning plan is even more important […]
The Absolute Best Leg Exercises For Men
What Muscles Are In The Legs? Each leg is made up of different muscle groups, each with its own muscles. The best-known group is the quadriceps, which has four muscles on the front of the upper leg. These muscles are some of the strongest in your body and help to straighten and extend your leg. […]
Plyometric Workout: 18 Bodyweight Exercises for Strength and Speed
WHAT IS PLYOMETRICS? The following text describes Plyometric training, which is a type of exercise that combines a quick, powerful movement with a series of reactive exercises. This type of exercise is beneficial because it uses the stretch-shortening cycle, which is a movement that helps improve your coordination and balance. The difference between plyometric training […]
Ab Workouts at the Gym: 17 Creative Exercises to Target Your Core
If you want to improve your abs or core, resistance band core workouts are a great way to add variety to your current core workout routine or progress bodyweight core exercises to the next level. Exercising with resistance bands can help to develop the muscles in your core, including the abdominals, obliques, and deeper muscles […]
16 frequently-asked fitness questions and their answers
16 frequently-asked fitness questions and their answers 1. How much cardio should I be doing? The answer to many of the questions on this list, including this one, is “it depends.” I know. It’s frustrating to hear that answer, but I’ll break down WHY and hopefully this will help you determine the best method for […]
Core Training for Serious Judo Players
One of the most important, but least understood, parts of the body is the core. The core can be broken down into four main functions. These functions will often overlap, but this is okay for the sake of training economy. Stabilization: Important for transferring force created in one part of the body to other parts […]
Do You Need to Train to Muscle Failure for Hypertrophy?
Do You Need to Train to Muscle Failure for Hypertrophy Training to muscle failure in order to gain muscle mass has been a staple in lifting culture for some time. In his book The Science and Practice of Strength Training, Vladimir Zatsiorsky wrote that “a muscle fiber that is recruited but not fatigued is not […]
Essential Post Workout Shake Ingredients
It is important to eat after working out in order to allow the muscles to repair themselves and to maintain peak performance. There are many products which claim to help with muscle growth and recovery, but not all of them are effective. The best thing to do after exercising is to eat foods that are […]