The stair climber at the gym is a great fitness machine to use if you are looking for a challenging workout. High school and college coaches often have their athletes run up and down bleachers to get in shape, and Rocky did the same thing when he was getting in shape for a fight. […]
How To Do An Elimination Diet
How to Do an Elimination Diet and Why Although food intolerances are far less severe than food allergies, they can still cause some uncomfortable symptoms. It’s estimated that between 2–20% of people worldwide may suffer from a food intolerance. Although food intolerances are far less severe than food allergies, they can still cause some […]
How to Get Rid of Hiccups: 11 Causes, 14 Treatment
Home remedies for hiccups There are numerous home cures for hiccups. Techniques that stimulate the nasopharynx and the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the stomach, and can decrease hiccuping: Gargling with water Putting a cold compress on your face Breathing into a paper bag Blowing up a balloon Drink a glass of water quickly […]
The Best Macronutrient Ratio for Weight Loss
How Do You Determine Your Macros? A macro calculator can help you determine your specific macro needs. Based on your calorie needs, fitness level, and other personal characteristics, you can determine how many grams of each macronutrient you should aim to consume per day. Why Should You Follow a Macro Diet for Weight Loss? […]
11 signs You’re on the Right Track Even When the Scale Hasn’t Budged
Weight loss is difficult. I will never forget how difficult it was to lose weight. Trying to become healthier is often difficult in many ways, not just physically. Progress is never linear, daily life often interferes, motivation changes, and sometimes you can do everything right and still not lose weight. Here are 7 […]
9 Muscle Building Dumbbell Exercises For Seniors – Full Body
As we age, it becomes more difficult to recover from injuries and to stay mobile and flexible. Many of us are aware that exercise can help to ease some of the effects of aging, but starting a program can be intimidating when you are over the age of 50. There are a lot of social […]
5 Signs Your Eating Habits Are Unhealthy, Say Dietitians
There is no one secret to losing weight, it is widely known that exercise and nutrition are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, however there are many fad weight loss strategies which people fall for thinking they will help them lose weight quickly. About a quarter of men and almost four in ten women in […]
Burpee Challenge – A Guide With Everything You Needed to Know
Many health experts are now seeing the benefits of doing burpees, as they are a simple movement that can be easily added to anyone’s strength and conditioning program. Let’s take a closer look at what a burpee is. Are you ever going to fail a burpee? The answer is no. Kneeling down and standing up […]
Leg Cramps at Night – Why They Happen, How to Stop Them
Leg Cramps at Night – Why They Happen, How to Stop Them Few things can ruin a good night’s sleep quite like cramps in the legs. If you’ve ever experienced one, you know how it feels: as though someone has taken hold of either end of your muscle and twisted it into some new, […]
4 Reasons You Get Elbow Pain During Bicep Curls
Most guys want to have a chiseled chest, big biceps, and shredded abs. Having massive biceps is usually their top priority. At any given gym, you’ll see dozens of guys pumping weights to make their arms look bigger before going out for the night. The text is saying that when people ask you to […]
Is Walking Good For Lower Back Pain?
Back pain is one of the leading reasons people visit the doctor and miss work. It is estimated that back pain costs the U.S. $100-$200 billion annually. Back pain impacts a person’s ability to do everyday tasks, from cooking to picking up a child. The cost of treatment should not be a deciding factor […]